First post
Hi there! You've found my blog, that's great! It's called ' Learning MSX machine code ' and that's exactly what the purpose of this blog is: learning how to write a machine code program for a MSX computer. So why does anyone want to learn this...? Well... that's a good question. The best reason is: just for fun. You'll not make money by learning this, you don't get a job with it. You should to do it because you like it, as a hobby. For me, someone who is almost 50 years old, MSX computers are nostalgia. I got a MSX-1 computer in the eighties, when I was about 12 years old and I really liked it. Not just for playing games, but also for writing my own programs. I learned MSX BASIC by by reading the computer manual, computer books and magazines. It was my first programming language and after a while I was good enough at it to make (simple) programs, like a text-adventure, a basic game with graphics or a sprite-editor. When I got older I lost interest...